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InnoCal Blog

Information about keeping your instruments running accurately

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Research, production, and testing all use scales within their processes. As a measuring instrument, the precision of the scale is fundamental to its use. If the scale is reading off, even slightly, you won’t be able to trust the results. This could call into question your research or count accuracy. It will certainly slow down your operation as you re-check weights.b2ap3_thumbnail_Scales_11100_04_1.jpg

Scales include:

  • Counting scales
  • Industrial scales
  • Floor/bench scales
  • Compact bench scales
  • Hanging scales
  • Food/portion scales
  • Price/shipping scales

Scales designed for applications in the food processing, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries depend on specific weights for packaging, shipping, and more. Make sure your weighing right—and your processes are not compromised.

To sustain your scale’s precision, InnoCal’s ISO17025 accredited calibration lab maintains highly accurate comparison standards. We can customize test points to your specific needs including those dictated by USP. Plus, you will receive a certificate with all the necessary data and information to ace your next audit.

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What happens when you need to calibrate your calibrator? Your infrared calibrator checks the performance of infrared thermometers and lets you know how they are reading. As indicators of accuracy, these calibrators are handy standby instruments.b2ap3_thumbnail_InfraredCalibrators.gif

And because infrared instruments are used for more and more applications, their reliability becomes super important. Yet, the calibrator itself may lose accuracy over time. Events such as exposure to extreme temperatures and environments or improper storage can weaken its effectiveness. Verify the strength of infrared calibrators by periodically having them professionally calibrated.

What will a calibration lab do? Top labs will use radiometrically calibrated infrared calibrators to correct for uncertainties. With emissivity adjustments and tight accuracies, your calibration results will boost your confidence in your equipment.

Accredited by A2LA to be technically-proficient in infrared temperature measurements, InnoCal and has passed proficiency tests administered by the National Association for Proficiency Testing (NAPT).

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Temperature displays, controllers, and meters can be checked for calibration using electrical signals with voltage for thermocouples and resistance for RTDs and thermistors. Electrical simulation is a quick, clean, and inexpensive way to verify their accurate function.
b2ap3_thumbnail_Digi-Sense-Calibrated-Kangaroo-Thermocouple-Thermometer.gifHowever, it can provide a false sense of control and accuracy of the temperature process. In nearly all temperature measurements, the probe/sensor being used is the major contributor to the uncertainty or inaccuracy of the measurement. When considering the accuracy of measurements using a temperature display and sensor system, the contribution of the sensor is usually much larger than the display.

Also, electrical simulation of the temperature display, while convenient, is not sufficient to establish measurement traceability to NIST or otherwise within a measured process.

When the accuracy of your temperature equipment matters, request a full temperature system calibration from your provider.

InnoCal recommends that the probe/sensor and display/meter elements be tested for all temperature systems. This can be done by either testing the probe and meter separately against its own tolerance or as a system. If out-of-tolerance conditions are found, an electrical simulation of the meter or display is appropriate to isolate the issue (which is most often the temperature probe).

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From centrifuges to magnetic stirrers to viscometers, lab instruments perform crucial tasks in processing samples. When the equipment doesn’t work reliably, the operation slows or halts altogether. Imagine getting inconsistent results—and you’re not sure if it’s the process or the equipment causing it.

b2ap3_thumbnail_LabEquipment.gifTo maintain reliable performance with lab instruments, get them calibrated by a trustworthy service. Instruments should be calibrated to national standards, primarily those maintained by the National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST). You may be tempted to use a low cost calibration provider to preserve budget dollars. Yet, if the calibration is not done correctly or does not meet compliance standards, you’ve wasted both time and money.

Much world-class research is conducted using common lab equipment, such as incubators, ovens, and freezers. Don’t sacrifice your quality research for sub-par calibrations. Keep lab equipment up to standards with calibration that increases your confidence.

All calibrations performed by InnoCal, and certificates provided, are ISO17025 and ANSI Z540.1 compliant.

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Nearly any type of research using liquid volume measurements—from the scientific lab to the product research lab to the environmental lab—relies on accurate samples to test and measure various properties. b2ap3_thumbnail_DispensingApplication.gif

Your measuring and dispensing instruments can easily be taken for granted yet are critical to your sampling process. Precision quantities are necessary for valid results and repeatability.

Ensure your liquid volume measurements are exactly what you expect them to be. With volume accuracy, you can be confident that you are measuring as much or as little as you intend.

Dispensers and other items to calibrate include:
·    Micro-pipettes
·    Pipettes
·    Graduated cylinders
·    Beakers
·    Burettes
·    Carboys

InnoCal provides NIST-traceable measurements to confirm the accuracy of your dispensers with a measurement range of 0.1 uL to 4000 mL. We can calibrate, in accordance with ISO8566 requirements, from very low volumes to large volumes.

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